08 April 2011


Yes, today I wanna talk about superpoweeeers. So, if I can pick one superpower to be mine, I wouldn't choose these things:

1. Ability to fly
Because I think flying is not so special. Well, I'm used to walk and we got all devices needed to fly. So...yeah.
2. Ability to read minds
Maybe it's cool. It's cool to know what's on people's mind. But the world will be boring. For example, we give a gift to a friend and when we're able to read their minds, what if they don't like it? Ouch.
3. Ability to predict the future
It's not bad, you know. Maybe it pleases us when we predict that we're gonna get a new blackberry in the future. But what if it comes to someone else's death? What if you can predict that someone is going to die? What will you do?
4. Ability to breathe underwater
Here's the condition: I live at the land and I only go to the water when it's swimming time at PE or when I visit the beach. So, I don't need this ability. Well, you swimmers might need it, but not me.
5. Control things with mind
It's simple. I want things to work naturally.

Instead of those things, here's what I want:
The ability to be invisible

Why? Because by being invisible, my questions might be answered. In much more smooth way. I might not be able to read minds, but perhaps I'll know what people act like when I'm not around. I would be able to see their true colors. I can disappear and reappear anytime. Good to make fun of people too :p

Yes, I want to have the ability to be invisible.


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